Protect, preserve… live ! Exhibition: furniture of our ancestors and carpentry workshop Anton Kosmač

Date of the event:
29. 09. 2020

Where (place):
Arts & Crafts Cnetre DUO Škofja Loka

Free entrance

We present the furniture of our ancestors

At the  “Protect, preserve… live! Exhibition: furniture of our ancestors and carpentry workshop Anton Kosmač” we present the furniture of our ancestors. Almost forgotten pieces of furniture, made in the traditional carpentry technique, are once again gaining a place in our homes.

Anton Kosmač v svoji mizarski delavnici obuja tradicionalne kose pohištva – mentrge, zibke, skrinje, marejne, masivne mize idr. Z odgovornostjo varuje in ohranja dediščino naših prednikov.  Hkrati pa s pomočjo tradicionalnih mizarskih tehnik izdeluje sodobno pohištvo in tako združuje preteklost s sodobnostjo.

In his carpentry workshop, Anton Kosmač revives traditional pieces of furniture – kneaders, cradles, chests, marigolds, massive tables, etc. He responsibly protects and preserves the heritage of our ancestors. At the same time, with the help of traditional carpentry techniques, he makes modern furniture and thus combines the past with the present.

The event is part of the European Cultural Heritage Days 2020.

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