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Cross stitch embroidery
Counted thread embroidery (cross stitch embroidery) is a way of embellishing fabrics with a needle and embroidery thread. It involves several different techniques with cross-stitch embroidery being the most well-known. Rozalija Strojan is a master of this technique.
Rozalija Strojan has been making embroidery since a young age, when she learned the skill from her mother, and her grandmother was also an embroiderer. In recent years, Rozalija has focused more deeply on cross-stitch embroidery – in addition to making her own handicrafts, she is dedicated to preserving and sharing the knowledge of this embroidery technique. She runs various embroidery courses and workshops and participates in many national and international exhibitions and fairs. She has been awarded the Slovenia Art & Craft certificate for her embroidered products and as a bearer of the knowledge of embroidery by counted threads, she is entered in the Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Slovenia.